quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Setting Trends Since 1986 - Chanel Couture F/W 212-13

Chanel Couture Fall/Winter 2012-13

I didn't think this Chanel collection was specially genius, but it was super cute and it reminded me of my look when I was about 10 or 11. I used to wear a lot of tweed mini-skirts in soft greys and light pinks and paired them the exact same silver tights. I remember I was the only one of my friends to wear such a thing and they probably thought I was weird, but I always loved experimenting with fashion and wearing different things.
Now the question remains, was I foreseeing the future or am I such a icon that Karl got inspired by me?
Não achei esta colecção da Chanel particularmente genial, mas achei-a super fofa e lembrou-me bastante de uns looks que eu usava quando tinha uns 10, 11 anos. Costumava usar imensas mini-saias de tweed em cinza e rosa clarinho com estes mesmos collants prateados. Lembro-me de ser a única das minhas amigas a usar tal coisa e talvez elas achassem que eu era meio estranha, mas sempre gostei de experimentar coisas novas e de usar coisas diferentes.
Agora a questão permanece, será que eu estava já a prever esta tendência ou será que sou um ícone tão grande que o Karl se inspirou em mim?


Thanks for stopping by! :)
Obrigada pela visita! :)

1 comentário:

styletraces disse...

Concordo ctg, nao achei genial mas gostei da textura e das cores :)
