sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011

Too Twisted

Vogue Italia has apparently succumbed to pressure by removing this picture of Karlie Kloss from their website . The model covers the December issue of the magazine, that also includes and editorial with the model photographed by Steven Meisel. The editorial named "Body by Kloss" shows the very skinny model (aren't they all?) in hardly any clothes showing off her barely there body.
Honestly I think it was a mistake. This photo, apart from disturbing, is a great fashion photo and say what you want, but that pose isn't impossible. I'm 95kg and I can do it! Well, almost. But the point is, that is not impossible for a body without fat. Now, how that body is without fat, I cannot tell. Is she naturally skinny? Does she suffer from an eating disorder? Is she a skinny person that works out a lot? I don't know! But it's unfair to judge a model and a photo because some girls got jealous!
That's not my ideal body by far, but it's her body and we are to judge? We should be more shocked by her performance at the Victoria's Secret's show! What was all that? Oh well, the guys seemed to have liked it. Yesterday, one of my boyfriends' friends was commenting on how that show was the best thing he's ever seen. I thought he was absolutely insane, but instead of saying anything I just kept my mouth shut, hoping they would forget this 95kg fat girl was there and that I'm actually dating one of their friends...
So what are your thoughts on this? Was Vogue Italia right taking out that photo from the website? Is that photo really that bad? And how about Karlie Kloss's talent as a model?
And this one's for the girls: Do you ever feel embarrassed for your boyfriend being with you? I mean, that he is dating you and not some hot girl? I get that sometimes...Please, don't tell me I'm alone on this one!

5 comentários:

Nobre Sandra disse...

Sim, é uma óptima foto de moda. Sim, a grande maioria das modelos são assim. Sim, também sofro desse complexo, acho que a maioria das mulheres sofre, até as que o mundo vê como perfeitas. Achamos sempre que nos falta algo ;)

SymbioticLife disse...

I have no idea why there's some stink about the pose. The pose its self is perfectly doable and I'm so much heavier than her it's not even funny. I don't think that's my idea of an ideal body type but if this is what works for her than why should she be ashamed of it? I hope anyone of any body type just tries to be healthy. And no. I don't think should've removed the image. They booked the model, styled her, photo'd her, they should've stood behind their work and taken pride in it. I am heavier than I should be. I've had 4 kids. My husband is beyond hot and has practically no body fat on him. So yes, I do often feel self-concious. I have found myself in many social situations where the people are cracking "fat" jokes. They're not about me but at those moments, I do wish I could just shrivel up and be invisible before they realize they've just said something that could reference me while sitting next to my gorgeous husband. You're not alone. Not even close. ;)

Diana Teodoro disse...

@Nobre Sandra: Acho que não há mesmo volta a dar!

@SymbioticLife: I also feel the same whenever people tell a fat joke. But sometimes I say: hey, fat person here. And they'r like: u'r not fat...Trust me, I am!
It's so unfair that women have to carry all the consequences of having a family...At least you can say "I've had 4kids". My body looks like I've had 10 kids and I've never had one!I often imagine what I'm gonna look like when I do...At the end i don't feel bad for me. I feel bad for him for being with me,even though he chose to be with me.

Nádia disse...

Não entendi porque a tiraram. Não é justo para as pessoas magras. Há vários ideias de beleza, e também não acho que é ostracizando as pessoas magras que as pessoas mais cheiinhas se vão sentir melhor. Acho errado.


Ana Novo disse...

Tanto para dizer e tão pouco tempo para escrever.
Sim, ela é magra.
Não, a posse não é impossível, mas é estranha.
Acho que isto é o resumo do resumo.
Quanto ao argumento do "inveja das gordinhas" comigo não pega. Eu não sou magrinha por opção: podia comer menos, fazer exercício, cortar na coca-cola ao almoço e nas bolachas francesas (isto de trabalhar num hotel tem sido um fardo!!). Podia mas não o faço. Claro que para uma opções esta opção é mais fácil do que para outras...(saltam de foram todas as doenças físicas e psicológicas atenção!)

Mas agora uma questãozinha: se julgam as pessoas pela sua gordura porquê não julgar pela sua magreza? O ideal seria não julgarmos ninguém pela sua aparência, mas é um facto que isso acontece todos os dias, mesmo de forma inconsciente!